Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where is the proof?

I think one the difficult things of The Law Of Attraction is seeing or having things manifest for you. Not everyone that speaks of or teaches The Law Of Attraction will resonate or even make sense to you. You will find that certain people can convey the same information as the next person but in "your speak". Meaning, they speak to you in a way that captures your attention and in a manner that makes perfect sense to you. Lo and behold, you have an a-ha moment where things come together and it makes perfect sense now.

One of my favorite speakers and author is Michael Losier. He makes sense to me. One of the things that I've learned from him is that we often doubt that the Law Of Attraction is working because we dont have proof. Think about it, as we start out with LOA, we create something small in our minds what we'd like to attract. We feel and act as if it has already happened and we have absolutely no doubt that it will manifest itself. Then you let it go and go along on your merry way. When it does come to fruition, you say, "Wow, it works". Again, you go on your merry way, later deciding to manifest something even bigger. Keep in mind that there is no rule that says you can only manifest one thing at a time. Multiple things and situations are quite okay. There is no universal limit.

However, the doubt starts to creep in when we dont see things happening right away or it doesnt happen at all (More on this topic at a later time). Some where along the line you tell yourself, "Bah hum bug, this Law Of Attraction thing doesnt really work". Michael Losier suggests keeping a journal of all things as you attract them. Why? This serves as proof for your when you begin to have doubts. This journal that you have been keeping, of things you have manifested or attracted is proof that yes, indeed Law of Attraction does work.

I've taken that list or journal one step further. In it I've written how I felt when things have manifested for me and if I can remember, what was it that I did or was feeling when I originally set my intentions /deliberate creation. That way, I can also see what works better for me. Now, I'm not saying become obsessive out this. I'm just saying that as you remember the things you've put out in the universe, take note of it. That way you have your own proof that LOA does work. For those that doubt, I encourage you to continue trying. Everything truly is energy. The energy you put forth is key to your success.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Value of time

Its easy to get caught up in the scheduling of things, making lists and checking it twice. Heaven forbid that there be a blank time slot on your calendar. It absolutely must be filled with something otherwise we're just not busy enough by today's standards. Then there is that ever growing "To do list".  I know people who live by their "To do list" and all you ever hear about it is "I'm so busy, I have so much to do." Busy, busy people.

I was recently out buying a bike for my child.  After what felt like hours of her "testing" four different bikes, a decision was finally made. YAY! As I took the tag to the register I notice that it was 20% off. Double YAY!  In small print there is another price that indicates "assembled". Oh, right. I forgot buying bikes at Toys R Us requires assembly. In fact I think most toddler bikes require assembly as I think back on my child's other bike. I remember looking at the box for days because I didnt want to spend the time pulling out all the pieces are going through the "quick assemble" manual. The additional charge was ten dollars.  I know there are some people out there who are thinking, "Ten dollars?! I can do it myself."  Thats fine, if that is your choice. For me, I dont have the patience to lay out the parts, figure out what goes where, bolt them down and also have to discard the box.

So what is my point? The value of time. I would rather pay someone the extra money and give myself that free time to do other things. So you can look at it a few ways:
"My time is worth paying the extra money to have someone else take care of this for me."
"I'd rather save my money and do it myself ."

Which one feels good to you? What are the things you do to free up time during your day to do something that is more enjoyable or relaxing? What are the things you could do to free up some time?

Next time you see a blank hour, half hour or even fifteen block on your calendar schedule something like "ME" or "Free" and set that reminder so that you dont forget.  Remember that TIME is the one thing that you can not get back, replace or do over.