Monday, June 14, 2010

Cre...what? Huh?

As much as I'd love to take credit for this word  - CREAPTABILITY (cree - aapt- uh- billy-tee), I cant.  So how did this word come about? It was during a little brain storming session with of about 6 people at a Category Management Summit.  The word that we struggled with was creative and adaptable. Which one supersedes the other? Which would be more important? In the end, why cant they both be important? So rather than saying one word ranked higher than the other, my creative colleague in Atlanta coined the word - creaptability. Thank you Doug B.  I'm sure the others have long forgotten the word but I haven't. I've decided to use it a second Blog Segment which I will tie in with the non-analytical side of me, the side where manifestation and creativity is slowly coming to life as I take several detours, toy with different ideas and start various projects with no set end dates - unheard of in our business world.  But its MY world so I set the pace. =)

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