Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Is enough, enough? Or is it ever enough?

I dashed in to Target one afternoon to pick up a specific item. At one point my three year old points at something and says, "Mommy, I can not have this because we don't have enough?".  I asked her to repeat her questions.  "I can not have this because we don't have enough?".   It dawned on me that she was referring to money. Hmmm, wonder if they're learning about money in school right now?  She made me laugh out loud. The first thought that occurred to me was that I don't ever want my child to believe in the "lack of things".  As funny as that may sound to some people, I don't want my child to have a belief at such a young age that there is "not enough" of any thing. 

I simply smiled at her and said, "No, you don't need that because you have enough."  She looked at me for a second and then said, "Oh, okay. I don't need it. I have enough Mommy."  That was the end of that.

A few nights ago, my little girl walked in to my bedroom and said, "Mommy, I have enough?".  I wasn't sure what she was referring to but I simply said, "You have plenty. You have plenty of toys, plenty of food, plenty of clothes, plenty of friends and plenty of love. You'll always have enough, if not more." She just smiled her biggest smile and said, "Yeah, I have plenty." 

If only a large majority of adults could easily accept and believe the way children do........

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