Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Being present

One of the things that keep many of us from moving forward is not being in the present. I’ve heard this many times from many different sources. Often times were too stuck in the past or too busy planning ahead for the future. It wasn’t until recently that I could understand or remotely relate to what that means.

The very first example that I was given was that it is liken to driving. You have to be fully aware and “present” while driving so as not to cause an accident and to get to from point A to point B safely. Okay, so I get that. I understand the concept but how does that feel? I admit that even while I’m driving, I’m not always present in what I’m doing. Half the time I’m on auto pilot, preplanning my day or thinking about the list I need to make once I get to the office.

In the past month and half I started getting serious about training for a half marathon. At first I was running indoors on a treadmill. Boring! Then on weekends, I’d take run on trail with my daughter in the jogger. It was much more pleasant with the sun shining on you, the wind breezing by and your little girl giving high fives to runners and bikers going the opposite direction. Still, I don’t think I was “present” in my activity. All I could think about is, “Am I done yet?”.

It wasn’t until recently that I understand the concept of being present. When the work day is over and the hour before I have to be “mom”, I go running at a local park and its surrounding neighborhood area. It was recently that I realized that while I am running my mind is clear of any thoughts other than that of what I was doing at that very moment – running. The light bulb went off! Ding! My focus was on breathing, the land marks that I use to pace myself, the feel of the pavement & grass as each foot set down. It’s not to say that I didn’t notice the trees or cars that zoom by, but at that moment my mind was clear. There was no chattering of the ego or thoughts of tomorrow’s worries and projects. I was peace. It was just me, my energy and Mother Nature. I’ve noticed that even though I’m sweating up a storm and breathing heavy, my mood is very light and I’m happy. Nothing is infringing on my little world. That was when I realized that I’m being present in the moment. I’m not having a conversation in my head about what’s it is for dinner, what I need to do next week, conversations that I’m pre-planning to have with individuals or thinking about the past. At that very moment I’m present in my actions.

Gee, what took me so long?! Be present in what you are doing. The moment at present is what you are living. It’s not yesterday, it’s not tomorrow…it’s now. Be present in the moment.

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