Friday, July 30, 2010

Huh? What?

Do you ever notice that the universe sends you messages? Sometimes its as clear as day, especially when you have a particular thought in mind.  Other times, it's just trying to get you to open your eyes and take notice.

I cant remember exactly what it was that I was searching for a few weeks ago but I ended up in front of my growing stack of unread books (my reason for getting a paper and space).  I recall that I was searching for something. I remember finding it but also pulling out a book from that growing pile.  The book was titled : "I Used To Have A Handle On Life, Then It Broke" (Hint hint to all you SuperMom's out there)

That night I started reading the book, realizing that I had read the first two chapters before. Yes, before, a long time ago. Actually, almost three years ago.  The author was a woman who was the guest speaker at the first NEW (Network of Executive Women) summit/ meeting that I had attended. (Take note - surround yourself with successful people...if that is the route you'd like to go.)  She had made an impact on me that I bought her book and then some.  Then the books ended up in that growing pile of unread books.

As I was reading the book, I realized that the universe was telling me something. Slow down and get a grip on things. Prioritize and remember what and who is important to me.  Until that moment I hadn't realize that I'd been coming home, throwing a quick dinner together for my daughter. While she ate at the table, I sat there with her with my laptop open; working on "work".  Is this how I want her to remember to remember dinner time? No, it is not.  I know she's only three but I'd hate for her to think this how dinner should be like. Yes I still do some work at night, but only after she's in bed. 

Pay attention to your surroundings, things that you find or coincidences (no such thing but we'll talk about that next time).  If you didn't get it the first time, trust me the universe will find a way to make sure you get the message. So if a book hits you on the head, pick it up when your done swearing and look at the cover or the page that fell open.  There could very well be a message in there for you.

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