Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Universe Doesnt Discriminate

A few days ago I had gotten an email for The Secret Scrolls - Daily Teachings. Below is what was in the email:

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Any words you speak have a frequency, and the moment you speak them they are released into the Universe. The law of attraction responds to all frequencies, and so it is also responding to the words that you speak. When you use very strong words, such as "terrible", "shocking" and "horrible" to describe any situation in your life, you are sending out an equally strong frequency, and the law of attraction must respond by bringing that frequency back to you.

The law is impersonal, and simply matches your frequency. Do you see how important it is for you to speak strongly about what you want, and not to use strong words about what you don't want?

May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne

The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

What a great reminder! "The law is impersonal and simply matches your frequency." So if you want to have a bad day, start off in a bad mood . I say that jokingly of course because I dont think most of us intend to have terrible days, that would just make the day drag on.

Fast forward to the other morning. I stop in at a grocery store to pick up my weekly breakfast & snacks to keep in the office. At the check out counter the clerk asks the woman in front of me, "How are you this morning?" The woman responds back, "Horrible! I'm completely annoyed with the people I work with"..... I tuned her out. First of all, I dont want hear about her horrible morning since it was only 8:45am and I didnt want her turning to me for support. I just dont want that kind of energy rubbing off on me in the morning.  She looked disheveled and grumpy too. You know, that look that says I'm gumpy and I dont want to change my mood. A few minutes later I see that she's parked two cars away from. As I'm approaching my car, her bag of groceries that placed on the top of the trunk of her car toppled over on the asphalt. I hear her cursing as her keys drop while she's bending over to pick up fallen items.

You see what happens when you not only have that mind set but you're telling people out loud that what a terrible day you are having...and the day has just begun? If that is your thought and attitude, you should expect to have mishaps.  Put it out there and it is what you attract.  Yes, there are people that live to be annoyed on a daily basis because that is the only way they know how to function in life but you dont have to live that way.

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