Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where are you going in 2011

Look back at your goals in early 2010, now reflect back on what you did in 2010 to reach your goals.  Did you accomplish them?  If not, why? And then ask yourself why and why again.  If you honestly ask yourself the why questions you'll get to the core of the reason.

2010 set me back an entire year in my goal. I was on the right the track and then, I got lazy. Putting your desire out there is the first step, but you have to take action.  Usually, everyone starts off the new year by saying they want to lose weight or get fit.  Great! Two weeks later, you are back to your old patterns.  Yes, we all do it.

What I've come to realize is that its so easy to come up with excuses and fall back into the same familiar patterns.  Then you wonder why things dont seem to change.  When you have no accountability or commitment to what your true goals are, its easy to go back to the way things were. Everyone knows with excuse - "Work has gotten really busy and I'm so tired at the end of the day."  I have learned from personal experiences is that when there is something that I really really want or want to do, I find a way to make time or find the resources to do or get it.  Think about something that your really really want to do.... you found a way to get it done didnt you? :)

Make your goal or goals for 2011 attainable, make it something that you really really want to do or to make happen (motivation) then put a positive spin on it...(ie.."get out of debt" - not good. Change that to have a positive note such as "create additional income doing editing work").  Hold yourself accountable and make the changes in your life. Change your thinking, look at the people around you ask yourself what purpose they serve in your life and what can they help you or teach you.  You might be surprised at what the answers might be. 

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