Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about taxes. There is something to be said about Spring Cleaning. Doesn’t your surroundings just feel so much livelier once you’ve tossed out the things that are old, broken, outdated no longer serve purpose for you? I’m a firm believe that your surroundings are a reflection of what is going on with you. I feel as if I’ve been living in clutter for the past 6 months. I’ve watched my desk at home pile up with stuff that I don’t know what to do with, papers and folders that probably should be filed, magazine subscriptions that are still in its plastic wrap (probably from 3 months ago at least) and countless odd and ends that just take up space. Do I need all that stuff? Probably not since I really haven’t gone looking for them nor do I even remember what they are.

Often times in life, we sort of plateau and just coast along till something snaps us away and we realize that we’ve been asleep behind the wheel. I’ve challenged myself to dig a little deeper and figure out what is cause chaos in my life and why I’m not feeling as if I’m motivated to do things in various aspects of my life. I love to do the fun and creative things. When it comes to the serious thing such as the J.O.B, well I’m not a big fan. I used to be organized and my “to do” list was a quarter of the length that it is now. So what changed? When did it change? Where did my focus shift to? All these questions I keep on a list with me because I need to get to the root of it. As I continue with Spring Cleaning aroundmy home, I will also be doing the same in my life. I need to release the things and people that no longer serve a purpose for me, including some limiting beliefs. Yes, even coaches have them too.

I really should have read and paid much closer attention to my Co-Coach, Wendy MacKay’s, article on January 27 about Clearing Clutter! I would have had a month’s head start to where I am at this moment.

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