Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving Forward

"People too weak to follow their own dreams, will always find a way to discourage yours! Chin up and move forward!"

I wasn't sure which blog this one belongs in but I think its fitting for both my blogs. The above quote was one that came across on the Run Like A Diva page. I thought about it for a bit, tabled it and then came back to it. Obviously I found something in that quote that sparked an interest.

I think back to situations where someone I know (or even myself) had an idea or a goal and talked about it openly. You will always find people who will support you, pooh-pooh you or support you but don't really believe in you or don't take you seriously.

For those individuals that discourage you, directly or indirectly, chances are they're just a bit afraid that you'll leave them behind. Now that you've found a new goal or something that you enjoy and probably are really good at, there might be a tad bit of jealousy on their part. You've taken that leap of faith and they're still cemented to the ground. Then again, there really are people out there that don't want you to succeed or follow your dreams. Some people are just that way. So just listen, muddle over it a bit. Pick out the bits and pieces that make sense, then toss the rest and move forward.

Whatever it is you set your sights on, and you want it, then go for gold! If you have the passion for whatever it is, harness that energy and run with it. The more you pursue that goal the more people you will find along that way that will be supportive of you. Truly, the only blockage is the struggle within yourself to move ahead. The fear is always in the unknown and all the "what ifs" that you creating in your mind before anything even happens. The mind really is a powerful thing. You can either let it get the best of you and allow it to hold you back or listen, acknowledge it and push forward. There is no right or wrong but there is such a thing as staying stagnant, having regrets and wondering about what might have been.

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