Saturday, March 19, 2011

The One and Only Reality ~ Karen Luniw

I have the pleasure of receiving Karin Luniw's "Attract More Now" newsletter.  Now I don't always read them immediately.  Sometimes it takes me a few weeks and I don't always read them in the order I receive them.  However, when I do read it, the one I've chosen to read that day always seems to be appropriately fitting. I wanted to share this particular piece with everyone because it is one of basic concepts that's so easy to understand yet difficult to put in to practice on a regular basis.

The One and Only Reality
By: Karen Luniw, Personal & Business Attraction Expert

Recently I've had the fabulous pleasure of getting to talk to a large number of people and at the same time I'm reading The Neville Reader by Neville Goddard. Well, not exactly at the same time - lol - that would be rude!

The key thing that comes up over and over for most people is that they are so focused on their problems or challenges that they have unwittingly become the victim of their problem. But to put that more accurately, they have become a victim of their thoughts - their consciousness.

However, most don't see it that way. It's happening outside of them. It's the... (here's where you put in the situation, event, thing or person to blame) weather, economy, dollar, people I work with, way I look, the way I talk, fact that I have no money, etc.

What I have really come to learn more and more intimately every day is that it is our thoughts, our consciousness, our expectations that determine exactly what we get.

Here's a quote from The Power of Awareness also by Goddard - I think you might find it interesting...

'When you know that consciousness is the one and only reality - conceiving itself to be something good, bad, or indifferent, and becoming that which it conceived itself to be - you are free from the tyranny of second causes, free from the belief that there are causes outside of your own mind that can affect your life.'

In really practical terms (because I like to live in practicality and the woo-woo all at the same time!) what this means...

In business.... if you think the client isn't going to hire you, you will act in a way that ensures that so it becomes fact. It works the opposite way too. If you think (and really believe) you'll get a new client this week - you'll likely take actions that will make that occur.

In relationships...if you are having a mental argument with your friend over and over in your mind - do you think you'll have a lovey-dovey make up friends forever chat next time you meet? However, if you mentally see yourself and your friend making up - you'll have a much higher rate of success.

In money...if you believe you're no good with money - guess what? You're right! If you believe what you touch turns to gold - then it probably will more often than not.

You see where I'm going with this, right? When it comes right down to it, it's all about what we think, so here's some steps to take to attract more now...

1.Become more vigilant about what you really think about what you can do, be or have.
2.Become more aware of how you feel about what you want to do, be or have.
3.Become more aware of your focus on lack or abundance.

This exercise will surprise you. It's simple, but effective.
 ~Karen Luniw

 Personal & Business Attraction Expert and Author Karen Luniw has written 'Attraction in Action: Your How to Guide to Relationships, Money, Work and Health'.  She is a contributor to the Huffington Post and publishes Attract More Tips weekly with thousands of subscribers. Karen also produces a Top US and Canadian Podcast, The Law of Attraction Tips has been downloaded over to 12 MILLION TIMES, and you can find it on iTunes. If you're ready to have more of what you want in your life, make more money, have better relationships and have more fun get your FREE tips now at

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