Saturday, March 19, 2011

The One and Only Reality ~ Karen Luniw

I have the pleasure of receiving Karin Luniw's "Attract More Now" newsletter.  Now I don't always read them immediately.  Sometimes it takes me a few weeks and I don't always read them in the order I receive them.  However, when I do read it, the one I've chosen to read that day always seems to be appropriately fitting. I wanted to share this particular piece with everyone because it is one of basic concepts that's so easy to understand yet difficult to put in to practice on a regular basis.

The One and Only Reality
By: Karen Luniw, Personal & Business Attraction Expert

Recently I've had the fabulous pleasure of getting to talk to a large number of people and at the same time I'm reading The Neville Reader by Neville Goddard. Well, not exactly at the same time - lol - that would be rude!

The key thing that comes up over and over for most people is that they are so focused on their problems or challenges that they have unwittingly become the victim of their problem. But to put that more accurately, they have become a victim of their thoughts - their consciousness.

However, most don't see it that way. It's happening outside of them. It's the... (here's where you put in the situation, event, thing or person to blame) weather, economy, dollar, people I work with, way I look, the way I talk, fact that I have no money, etc.

What I have really come to learn more and more intimately every day is that it is our thoughts, our consciousness, our expectations that determine exactly what we get.

Here's a quote from The Power of Awareness also by Goddard - I think you might find it interesting...

'When you know that consciousness is the one and only reality - conceiving itself to be something good, bad, or indifferent, and becoming that which it conceived itself to be - you are free from the tyranny of second causes, free from the belief that there are causes outside of your own mind that can affect your life.'

In really practical terms (because I like to live in practicality and the woo-woo all at the same time!) what this means...

In business.... if you think the client isn't going to hire you, you will act in a way that ensures that so it becomes fact. It works the opposite way too. If you think (and really believe) you'll get a new client this week - you'll likely take actions that will make that occur.

In relationships...if you are having a mental argument with your friend over and over in your mind - do you think you'll have a lovey-dovey make up friends forever chat next time you meet? However, if you mentally see yourself and your friend making up - you'll have a much higher rate of success.

In money...if you believe you're no good with money - guess what? You're right! If you believe what you touch turns to gold - then it probably will more often than not.

You see where I'm going with this, right? When it comes right down to it, it's all about what we think, so here's some steps to take to attract more now...

1.Become more vigilant about what you really think about what you can do, be or have.
2.Become more aware of how you feel about what you want to do, be or have.
3.Become more aware of your focus on lack or abundance.

This exercise will surprise you. It's simple, but effective.
 ~Karen Luniw

 Personal & Business Attraction Expert and Author Karen Luniw has written 'Attraction in Action: Your How to Guide to Relationships, Money, Work and Health'.  She is a contributor to the Huffington Post and publishes Attract More Tips weekly with thousands of subscribers. Karen also produces a Top US and Canadian Podcast, The Law of Attraction Tips has been downloaded over to 12 MILLION TIMES, and you can find it on iTunes. If you're ready to have more of what you want in your life, make more money, have better relationships and have more fun get your FREE tips now at

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Thank You

Thank you's are an expression of gratitude that is often overlooked. Sometimes people do not think that a simple thank you for a simple task is warranted.  Sometimes its those little "I Thank You" comments that can change someones attitude.  We're all had requests to do something that seems so trivial.  Occassionaly the thought of "Why cant he/she do this themselves? It's not like its rocket science!".  So you grumble, ge tit done, send it on its merry way all a while still being annoyed.  Then not to long after wards, the person comes by to thank you or sends you a note of thanks.  All of a sudden you feel like you did something good to help someone else.  Okay, maybe the scenario is a bit too simplfied  but you get my drift.  Below is an excerpt for a newsletter that I recieve from Dr. Alan Zimmerman.

I thank you.

Gratitude is exquisite. And those who express a great deal of gratitude always seem to have the most friends, the best friends, and the closest friends ... versus those who take people (and what they do) for granted. In fact, I would wager to say that the people who have the smallest, most constricted circle of friends are those who do not have an attitude of gratitude. They seldom say, "I thank you."

As I've traveled and spoken around the world, I've learned that these three words might be the most important words for me to share with others, especially if I learn to speak to them in their language. These three words have brought out smiles, started relationships, and opened doors to business opportunities that might not have come about any other way.

The secret is to be genuinely thankful and genuinely humble when you say these three words. As the famed basketball coach John Wooden taught me, "Talent is God given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be grateful. Conceit is self-given; be careful."

Not too long ago, I received these three words ... "I thank you" ... from Father Philip Chircop, a Jesuit priest from the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. He wrote, "I have been reading your 'Tuesday Tip' for many years, and your tips have often informed and reformed me as I deliver retreats. So I am taking some time to send you this short note as I hold you deep in my heart, with deep gratitude, for the gift that you are to so very many people."

He went on to say:

"May your day be blessed,

May your words be blessed,

May your dreams and desires be blessed,

May your life be blessed, and

May this present moment be blessed."

His words made a profound impact on my life. Go out there and tell people "I thank you." It's one of the greatest of all motivational phrases and one of the surest relationship builders. 

*2010 Dr. Alan R. Zimmerman. Reprinted with permission from Dr. Alan Zimmerman's Internet newsletter, the 'Tuesday Tip.' For your own personal, free subscription to the 'Tuesday Tip' as well as information on Dr. Zimmerman's keynotes and seminars, go to or call 800-621-7881

Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving Forward

"People too weak to follow their own dreams, will always find a way to discourage yours! Chin up and move forward!"

I wasn't sure which blog this one belongs in but I think its fitting for both my blogs. The above quote was one that came across on the Run Like A Diva page. I thought about it for a bit, tabled it and then came back to it. Obviously I found something in that quote that sparked an interest.

I think back to situations where someone I know (or even myself) had an idea or a goal and talked about it openly. You will always find people who will support you, pooh-pooh you or support you but don't really believe in you or don't take you seriously.

For those individuals that discourage you, directly or indirectly, chances are they're just a bit afraid that you'll leave them behind. Now that you've found a new goal or something that you enjoy and probably are really good at, there might be a tad bit of jealousy on their part. You've taken that leap of faith and they're still cemented to the ground. Then again, there really are people out there that don't want you to succeed or follow your dreams. Some people are just that way. So just listen, muddle over it a bit. Pick out the bits and pieces that make sense, then toss the rest and move forward.

Whatever it is you set your sights on, and you want it, then go for gold! If you have the passion for whatever it is, harness that energy and run with it. The more you pursue that goal the more people you will find along that way that will be supportive of you. Truly, the only blockage is the struggle within yourself to move ahead. The fear is always in the unknown and all the "what ifs" that you creating in your mind before anything even happens. The mind really is a powerful thing. You can either let it get the best of you and allow it to hold you back or listen, acknowledge it and push forward. There is no right or wrong but there is such a thing as staying stagnant, having regrets and wondering about what might have been.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about taxes. There is something to be said about Spring Cleaning. Doesn’t your surroundings just feel so much livelier once you’ve tossed out the things that are old, broken, outdated no longer serve purpose for you? I’m a firm believe that your surroundings are a reflection of what is going on with you. I feel as if I’ve been living in clutter for the past 6 months. I’ve watched my desk at home pile up with stuff that I don’t know what to do with, papers and folders that probably should be filed, magazine subscriptions that are still in its plastic wrap (probably from 3 months ago at least) and countless odd and ends that just take up space. Do I need all that stuff? Probably not since I really haven’t gone looking for them nor do I even remember what they are.

Often times in life, we sort of plateau and just coast along till something snaps us away and we realize that we’ve been asleep behind the wheel. I’ve challenged myself to dig a little deeper and figure out what is cause chaos in my life and why I’m not feeling as if I’m motivated to do things in various aspects of my life. I love to do the fun and creative things. When it comes to the serious thing such as the J.O.B, well I’m not a big fan. I used to be organized and my “to do” list was a quarter of the length that it is now. So what changed? When did it change? Where did my focus shift to? All these questions I keep on a list with me because I need to get to the root of it. As I continue with Spring Cleaning aroundmy home, I will also be doing the same in my life. I need to release the things and people that no longer serve a purpose for me, including some limiting beliefs. Yes, even coaches have them too.

I really should have read and paid much closer attention to my Co-Coach, Wendy MacKay’s, article on January 27 about Clearing Clutter! I would have had a month’s head start to where I am at this moment.